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DigitalEx allows users to set up alerts for their cloud spend and integrate them with various channels such as Microsoft Teams, and Slack. This enables users to receive notifications about their cloud spend on the configured channels. This can help users to track their cloud expenses and ensure that they are within budget.

Note: Before you can set up alerts and integrate them with Slack or Microsoft Teams, you will need to configure these platforms. To do this, follow the instructions provided in the links below


Microsoft Teams


Here are the steps to create an integration:

  1. Login to DigitalEx

  2. Click on Menu Icon at the top left corner

  3. Click on Integrations under Admin

  4. Click on Create Integration

  5. Enter Name & Description

  6. Select the App of your choice

  7. Select the Type of your choice

  8. Paste the Email / Webhook link in the Address which you have configured in your respective app

  9. Click Create button

    10. Integration is created and displayed as shown below. When you select the number of rows, you will be able to view that same quantity of rows on the page.


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