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PagerDuty alerts through Email:

To Integrate the PagerDuty in DigitalEx portal follow these steps

  • Create a new service for Integration or use existing service for Integration in PagerDuty

  • Add Integration in DigitalEx

Create a new service in PagerDuty portal.

  1. Login into the PagerDuty portal

  2. Click on Service > service directory from in the navbar.


  3. Click on the “+ New service” button


  4. Name: Enter a Name and Description based on the function that the service provides

  5. click Next to continue.


  6. Assign: Select Generate a new Escalation Policy or Select an existing Escalation Policy. Click Next to continue.

  7. Click Next to continue.


  8. Integrations: Search for Email Integrations and Select it as we currently support using Email


  1. Click on Create Service

  2. Click on Integration Tab

  3. Click on '^'


  1. Capture the integration email to integrate it into DigitalEx

Use existing service for Integration in PagerDuty

  1. Login into the PagerDuty portal

  2. Click on Service > service directory from in the navbar.


  3. Select the service in which you want to add the integration.


  4. Click on the integration tab to add the new integration

  5. Integrations: Search for Email Integrations and Select it as we currently support using Email


  6. Click on Add

  7. Click on Integration Tab

  8. Click on '^'


  9. Capture the integration email to integrate it into DigitalEx

Integration of PagerDuty in DigitalEx portal

  1. Login into DigitalEx portal and navigate to Integrations page under Admin

  2. Click on Add integration.

  3. Click on the App and select PagerDuty

  4. Enter all the details in the field

    1. Integration name

    2. Integration description

    3. App as PagerDuty

    4. Type as email

    5. Address copied above in Step 10


  5. Click on “Create”

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