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Azure Subscription Account Manual Onboarding

Manual Subscription onboarding can be done either through the Azure UI portal by following the steps below, or by using Azure CLI commands

If you wish to onboard through Azure Manual UI follow below steps

The steps below will guide you through the process of onboarding from the Azure UI portal. Please log in to the Azure portal and follow these steps

If you wish to onboard through Azure Manual CLI follow below steps

The steps below need to be executed in the Azure Cloud Shell. Please log in to the Azure portal and launch the Cloud Shell from the navigation bar

To manage an Azure Active Directory (AAD) app and to assign a role, the owner role is required.

  1. Login to Microsoft Azure Cloud Shell and execute the below command.

az ad sp create-for-rbac -n <APP_NAME> --role Reader --scopes "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>"

<APP_NAME> : App name of your choice

<SUBSCRIPTION_ID> : Your azure subscription id, follow this link to get subscription id.

The above command will create an <APP_NAME> of your choice and assign the Reader role for the <SUBSCRIPTION_ID> subscription that you want to onboard as a usage account in DigitalEx.

  1. Go to the DigitalEx portal and follow this steps Connect Subscription and enter the credentials obtained in the previous cloud shell output.


Create AAD & Secret

To manage an Azure Active Directory (AAD) app and create a client secret, the Active Directory administrator role is required.

az ad sp create-for-rbac --display-name "<APP_NAME>" --years=2 -o table

To assign permissions to the Azure Active Directory (AAD) app, it is recommended to have the Owner role. Alternatively, you can have both the Contributor and User Access Administrator roles.

Assign Permissions to the App

az role assignment create --assignee "<APP_ID>" --role "Reader" --scope "/subscriptions/<SUBSCRIPTION_ID>" -o table

<APP_ID> : Enter App id

<SUBSCRIPTION_ID> : Enter your subscription id

Connect Subscription

  1. Login to DigitalEx as Owner

  2. Go to Menu > Admin > Public Clouds

  3. Click on Connect for the subscription under subscriptions tab of Azure & Enter required details

  4. Click Connect.

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