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DigitalEx enables users to onboard their Azure billing account. This process involves setting up the necessary accounts and permissions, configuring the billing and cost management settings, and integrating the billing data with DigitalEx. Onboarding the Azure billing account with DigitalEx allows users to track and manage their Azure costs and usage, and to optimize their use of Azure resources to reduce costs. It is important to carefully follow the steps in the onboarding process to ensure that the Azure billing account is set up correctly and able to accurately track and report on costs.

Billing Account

The billing accounts feature in DigitalEx allows users to view the cost of resources from their Azure accounts and regions in a single interface. With this feature, users can search and view the cost of resources across all regions and all accounts, and see where resources are located. The cost dashboard provides a snapshot of costs, enabling users to quickly understand overall trends and gain visibility into their spending across all their public and private cloud providers. This feature can be helpful for organizations looking to optimize their Azure usage and reduce costs.

DigitalEx supports three different types of accounts:

  1. Customer Agreement billing account: This billing account is managed by the organization itself, and the billing ID is used in the billing level scope for onboarding.

  2. Partner Agreement billing account: This billing account is managed by a third-party seller and the end user has subscription level access. Users can onboard both the billing and subscription levels.

  3. Direct Enterprise Agreement customers: This account is similar to a direct Customer Agreement billing account.

These different account types allow DigitalEx to support a variety of billing and payment arrangements, and to provide users with the tools and features they need to manage their cloud resources and costs effectively.

Usage Account

A usage account in an Azure organization is a subscription account, which is any account that is not the management account. Policies can be attached to a usage account to apply controls specifically to that account. It is important to properly set up and manage subscription accounts in an Azure organization to ensure that resources are used effectively and in accordance with organizational policies and controls.

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