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Step -2: Assign permissions to the app

In order to grant permissions to an app, the owner role is required.

If you choose to onboard the Billing Account , you will need to add the Billing Account Reader role, but if you choose to onboard the Subscription as Billing Account , you must add the Cost Management Reader role.

Assign permission as Billing Account

  1. Click on Menu

  2. Go to Cost Management + Billing

3. Click on Access Control (IAM) which is under left menu

4. Click on Add (Add role assignment page will get opened)

5. Select the Billing account reader

6. Search the App created in Step 1

7. Click on Add Button

Assign permission to the app if onboarding subscription as Billing Account

  1. Perform a search within the search box to locate subscriptions and then proceed to open it.

  2. Select the subscription to which you wish to assign permissions.

  1. Click on Access Control (IAM) which is under left menu

  2. Click on Add (Add role assignment page will get opened

  1. Search & Select Cost Management Reader

  2. Click on Next

  1. Click on +Select members.

  2. Search & Select the App created in Step 1

  3. Click on Select Button

  1. Click on Next

  2. Click on Review+assign

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