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Account Management for Indirect Customers


  • Partner is a DigitalEx’s partner with capability to onboard and manage their own customers.

  • Target /End Customer is a customer created and managed by partner whose cloud accounts are onboarded in DigitalEx.

Why Account Management for Indirect Customers?

Partners and Target/End customers might not have the required permissions to perform essential actions, potentially causing a disconnect between partner firms and their target or end customers. To address this, we are introducing account management for Indirect Customers.

How Account Management for Indirect Customers works

Target /End Customer initiates the process by logging into their cloud provider's system. Following this, a series of steps are undertaken to prepare the Onboarding credentials for partner’s access to view their cost and resources for Due diligence. After completion of these steps, the Target Company generates and shares the necessary credentials with Partner

The shared credentials facilitate Partner’s access to view their cost and resources, allowing them to onboard the Target Company's cloud account to the DigitalEx platform. This crucial onboarding process ensures seamless integration and operational functionality between the Target Company, Partner Company, and the DigitalEx platform."

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