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GCP Troubleshooting

Select Organization Scope. 

  • In GCP Console, select the scope dropdown located in the top left navbar, next to Google Cloud logo. 

  • Choose “ALL” tab. 

  • Choose the top organization. 

Adding whitelist to Organization Policy. 

  • Go to “IAM and admin” 

  • From the left side menu, choose “Organization policies.” 

  • Search for: “Domain restricted sharing”, click on it. 

  • Click on “Manage Policy” 

  • Under “Rules”, 

  • you will see one of the existing rules, please expand it 

  • Under “Custom values”, there could be some existing values. 

  • Click “ADD VALUE”, and add following value without quotes: “principalSet://” 

  • Click on “SET POLICY” 

VPC Service Controls. 

  • Go to “Manage VPC Service Controls” 

  • Select the access policy. 

  • Select perimeter item (which is blocking access to services like cloud asset & storage) 

  • Click “EDIT” on the “Ingress policy” section. 

  • Add a new rule using “ADD RULE” 

  • For “FROM attributes of the API client”: 

  • For “Identity”, choose “Selected identities”, add service account id (To obtain the service account ID, please follow these steps Retrieve the Service Account Id )

  • For “Source”, choose “All Sources.” 

  • For “TO attributes of GCP services/resources”: 

  • For “Project”, choose “All projects.” 

  • For “All services”, choose “All services.” 

  • Click on “SAVE” 

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