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[CLI] GCP Billing Account Onboarding for Target

The Target Company is required to implement the following steps within the GCP Cloud Shell. Please sign in to the GCP console using the Admin account where billing has been set up, and then initiate the Cloud Shell from the navigation bar.

To carry out below steps, Service account id is required. Please consult your partner company to share service account id before moving forward.

Please go through GCP Troubleshooting to determine its applicability before beginning the onboarding process.

In order to execute the below steps, you need to have owner role.

Step-1: Enable Billing Export

Unfortunately, activating billing export via CLI is not feasible. We recommend adhering to the manual steps provided in the referenced guide Enable Billing Export

Step-2: Create a custom BigQuery Role

gcloud iam roles create billingaccess --project=PROJECT_ID --title="billingaccess",resourcemanager.projects.get

Replace PROJECT_ID with your actual GCP project ID. (Follow this instructions to get project id

Step-3: Grant service account Access to the custom BigQuery role

Assign the custom role to the Service Account

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID" --role="projects/PROJECT_ID/roles/billingaccess" --condition=None

Replace SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID with Service Account Id shared by your partner, and PROJECT_ID with your actual GCP project ID.

Step-4: Grant service account access to the dataset

gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding PROJECT_ID --member="serviceAccount:SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID" --role=roles/bigquery.dataViewer --condition=None

Replace SERVICE_ACCOUNT_ID with Service Account Id shared by your partner

Step-5: Enable Cloud Resource Manager API

gcloud services enable

Step-6: Retrieve the Billing Account Id and Project Id

gcloud beta billing projects describe PROJECT_ID --format="value(billingAccountName.basename())"

PROJECT_ID with your actual GCP project ID

Step-2: Capture the below details and share with your partner.

  1. Account Id

  2. Project Id

  3. Dataset Name: Captured while performing in this step Enable Billing Export.

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