Virtual Tags
Virtual Tags is a feature that helps you organize and manage cloud resources more effectively. They allow you to group and categorize resources based on specific criteria, even if those resources don't have traditional tags. This makes it easier to track costs, analyze resource usage, and manage your cloud environment without needing to manually tag every resource.
Steps to create a Virtual Tags:
Login to DigitalEx as User/Editor
Click on Menu
Navigate to the Admin section on the sidebar and select "Virtual Tags."
Click on the "+ Virtual Tag" button to open the form.
Enter Key
Enter Value
Enter Description (Optional)
Select Data Source (The default option is selected by default, but you can change it based on your requirements.)
Choose Basic or Advanced filters
Enable Dynamic Filter (Optional)
Configure Tag Parameters if using Basic filters
Configure Tag Parameters if using Advanced filters
Click on Create button
New Virtual Tag is created and displayed as shown below.
NOTE: After creating the Virtual Tags, click on "Run Ingestion" and wait for the process to complete. Once done, perform a hard refresh on the page.
Steps to Edit Virtual Tags:
Click on Menu
Navigate to the Admin section on the sidebar and select "Virtual Tags."
Click on Edit icon
Make the changes as per requirement
Click on Update button.
Steps to Delete Virtual Tags:
Click on Menu
Navigate to the Admin section on the sidebar and select "Virtual Tags."
Click on Delete icon
Click on Delete button
Steps to use Virtual Tags:
Click on Menu
Navigate to the Inform section on the sidebar and select "Cost"
Click on Filters
Scroll down to bottom of cost filters
Click on Virtual Tags option and select required Virtual Tags
Click on Apply.
Pages where Virtual Tags are available: Cost, AI Cost, Resources, Cost Variance, K8’s Cost, Datacenter Cost, Coverage, Compliance