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"User identities are the foundation of DigitalEx. Any individual who logs into DigitalEx is considered a user. Users can be employees at your company, including sales reps, managers, and IT specialists, who need access to DigitalEx

Modify User

There are six roles in DigitalEx, as listed below


Owners are the users who sign up for DigitalEx as an organization. The owner role is the default role assigned to a user after signup. Additional owners can also be created by following the steps to create a user. Refer to the permissions chart below for information on the permissions available to owners.


Members have limited access to DigitalEx. They do not have access to the "Admin" section. Refer to the permissions chart below for information on the permissions available to members.


Administrators have similar permissions to Owners, but with some slight differences. Refer to the permissions chart below for information on the permissions available to administrators.


Executives, such as VPs, heads of infrastructure, and CTOs or CIOs, typically focus on accountability, transparency, and efficiency in their organizations. They may have view-only permissions in DigitalEx. Executives can use DigitalEx to ensure that teams are not exceeding budgets and are operating efficiently

Operation Manager:

Operation Manager roles include Lead Software Engineer, Principal Systems Engineer, Cloud Architect, Service Delivery Manager, Engineering Manager, or Director of Platform Engineering. These individuals are responsible for building and supporting services for the organization, and they focus on the efficient design and use of resources. This can include activities such as rightsizing (resizing cloud resources to better match workload requirements), allocating container costs, identifying unused storage and compute, and detecting unexpected spending anomalies. Refer to the permissions chart below for information on the permissions available to Operation Managers

Finance Manager Role:

Finance Manager roles typically belong to the finance department of an organization. This role may include Technology Procurement Manager, Global Technology Procurement, Financial Planning and Analyst Manager, and Financial Business Advisor. These individuals use the reporting provided by teams for accounting and forecasting, and they work closely with FinOps practitioners to understand historic billing data in order to build more accurate cost models. Finance Managers use DigitalEx to help them understand and manage the financial aspects of their organization's cloud usage.








Operations Manager

Finance Manager

View Cost


Cost page will be visible.

View K8s Cost

K8s Cost

K8s Cost page will be visible.

View Resource


Resources page is visible.

View Savings


Savings page will be visible.

View Compliance


Compliance page will be visible.

View Security


Security page will be visible.

Mute Recommendations


Mute recommendations option is visible

View Reserved Instances

RI Utilization

Reserved Instance i.e. RI Utilization Dashboard will be visible.

View Coverage

RI and Savings Plan Coverage

Coverage i.e. RI and Savings plan Coverage Dashboard will be visible.

View Savings Plan

Savings Plan

Savings plan i.e. Savings plan Utilization Dashboard will be visible.

Create Cost Anomaly

Cost Anomaly

Settings icon will be visible to create anomaly

View Cost Anomaly

Cost Anomaly

Cost Anomaly Dashboard will be visible

View Subscription

Subscription (Tools)

Subscription page will be visible.

Create Subscription

For creation of subscription, shown on toolbar.(message icon)

Update Subscription

For editing, created subscription shown on subscription page (edit icon)

Delete Subscription

For deleting subscription shown on subscription page (delete icon)

SP Planner

SP Planner

Savings Planner page will be visible

View Billing Account

Billing account

Billing account page is visible

Create Billing Account

Enables +Billing account button on billing account page and on setup page.

Update Billing Account

  1. Enables billing account updating (edit icon)

2. Enables ingestion button on toolbar.

Delete Billing Account

Enables delete account from billing account page. (delete icon)

View Usage Account

Usage Account

Usage account page is visible

Create Usage Account

Enables +Usage account button on usage account page.

Update Usage Account

Enables edit icon on usage-account page.

Delete Usage Account

Enables delete icon on usage-account page.

View Team


Teams page is visible

Create Team

Enables Create Team button on teams page

Update Team

Enables edit icon on teams page.

Delete Team

Enables delete icon on teams page.

View User


User page is visible

Create User

Enables +User button on user page

Update User

Enables edit icon on user page.

Delete User

Enables delete icon on user page.

Resend Invitation

Resend the invitation to Pending User

Reset MFA

Reset the MFA

View Alert

Alerts (Admin section)

Alert page is visible

Create Alert

Enables +Alert button on alerts page.

Update Alert

Enables edit icon on alerts page.

Delete Alert

Enables delete icon on alerts page.

View SSO


SSO page is visible

Create SSO

Enables +Configure SSO button on SSO page

Update SSO

Enables edit icon on SSO page.

Delete SSO

Enables delete icon on SSO page.

View API


API page is visible

View Info

last refresh Date (toolbar)

It shows last refresh date on required pages present on toolbar.

View Table Settings

table settings

Enable to View Table settings at the bottom of page

Update table Settings

Enables to update table settings

View Policies Settings

advisor policies from toolbar

User can only view advisor policy settings from slide over.

Update Policies Settings

Enables three dot icon on widget. Allows editing and restore default option for all widgets.

View Notification


View notifications. appear on clicking bell icon.

Delete Notification

Allows deleting notifications.

Update settings widget

Editing Widgets

Enables three dot icon on widget. Allows editing and restore default option for all widgets

Create Budget


Enables +Budget button on Budget page.

View Budget

Budget page will be visible.

Edit Budget

Enables edit icon on Budget page.

Delete Budget

Enables delete icon on Budget page.

Create Bookmarks


For creation of bookmark, present on toolbar.(save icon)

View Bookmarks

Bookmarks page will be visible.

Edit Bookmarks

For editing created bookmark present on bookmark page (edit icon)

Delete Bookmarks

For deleting bookmark present on bookmark page (delete icon)

Create Perspective


Enables +Perspective button on Perspective page.

View Perspective

Perspective page will be visible.

Edit Perspective

Enables edit icon on Perspective page.

Delete Perspective

Enables delete icon on Perspective page.

Create Integration


Enables +Integration button on integration page.

View Integration

Integration page will be visible.

Edit Integration

Enables edit icon on Integration page.

Delete Integration

Enables delete icon on Integration page.

View Snapshot


Snapshot page is visible.

View Compare

Cloud Compare

compare page is visible.

View Tag Explorer

Tag Explorer

Tag Explorer page is visible.

View Cost Explorer

Cost Explorer

Cost Explorer page is visible.

View Backlog


Backlog page will be visible.

Create tickets on backlog.

Enables +Create Ticket button on backlog page.

Update Tickets on backlog.

Enables edit icon on backlog page.

Delete Tickets on backlog.

Enables delete icon on backlog page.

View Cost Allocation

Cost Allocation

Cost Allocation page will be visible.

Create Cost Allocation

Enables +Cost Allocation button on Cost Allocation page.

Update Cost Allocation

Enables edit icon on Cost Allocation page.

Delete Cost Allocation

Enables delete icon on Cost Allocation page.

View Datacenter Cost


Datacenter Cost page will be visible.

View Datacenter Resources

Datacenter Resources page will be visible.

View Datacenter Utilization

Datacenter Resources page will be visible.

Create Datacenter Account

Enables +Datacenter button on Datacenter account page and on setup page.

Update Datacenter Account

Enables edit icon on Datacenter account page.

Delete Datacenter Account

Enables delete icon on Datacenter account page.

View Custom Reports

Canned Reports

Canned Reports page will be visible.

Create Custom Reports

Enables +Canned Report button on Canned Report page.

Update Custom Reports

Enables edit icon on Canned Reports page.

Delete Custom Reports

Enables delete icon on Canned Reports page.

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