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Onboarding using terraform

  1. Download & extract the terraform ( )

  2. Go to command prompt /terminal

  3. Enter the below command to check that terraform is installed

terraform -version

4. Enter the below command to check that AWS CLI is installed if not install( )

aws --version

5. Enter the below command to Configure the AWS

aws configure

6. Enter the access key & secret access key of the user you wish to onboard the account

7. Enter the region (e.g:- us-east-1)

8. Click enter for default output format

9. If you want you can add AWS profiles to ~/.aws/credentials file and onboard multiple accounts

9. Enter the below command to clone the repository

git clone

10. Open the command prompt /terminal & go to the location where you configured the terraform

11. Enter the below command to initialize the terraform

chmod +x

12. Navigate to your tenant eg:

13. Login to DigitalEx

14. Go to Menu & open API page

15. Copy tenant id & Paste in command prompt /terminal

16. Copy the JWT & paste the token into the command prompt /terminal

17. Enter the below command to onboard usage account, paste the TENANT_ID and BEARER_TOKEN copied from the above steps, and add aws profile you want to onboard

./ <MCX_TENANT_ID> <MCX_BEARER_TOKEN> <AWS_PROFILE> [profile2] [profile3] ...

18. Usage account will get onboarded successfully.

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