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DigitalEx allows users to onboard AWS Billing and Usage Accounts.

Billing Account

The billing account in an AWS organization is the management account that is used to manage the AWS accounts and pay for charges that are incurred by the member accounts. This account has the responsibilities of a payer account and cannot be changed, as it is the organization's management account. It is important to properly set up and manage the billing account in an AWS organization to ensure that charges are accurately tracked and paid in a timely manner.

Usage Account

A usage account in an AWS organization is a member account, which is any account that is not the management account. Member accounts make up all of the other accounts in the organization and can only be a member of one organization at a time. Policies can be attached to a usage account to apply controls specifically to that account. It is important to properly set up and manage member accounts in an AWS organization to ensure that resources are used effectively and in accordance with organizational policies and controls.

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