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GCP Account Onboarding Questionnaire

To ensure a smooth and comprehensive onboarding experience, it's crucial that the DigitalEx team is prepared and informed. This questionnaire aims to understand your needs and expectations better, thereby ensuring an efficient and enriched onboarding process.

Q1. What is your monthly spend on GCP?

Understanding your monthly spending will help us provide better cost management and optimization strategies.

Q2. Is GCP detailed usage cost Export enabled for your account?

If GCP Billing Export is already enabled, DigitalEx can ingest historical cost data. If not, we can only obtain cost data for the current month and future months. We recommend using an detailed usage cost export for a seamless onboarding process.

Q3. How many GCP projects do you have?

To continuously discover resources and collect key metrics for insight and optimization, it is necessary to onboard each project individually.

Q4. In what currency is your invoice generated?

This information will help us better understand your billing structure.

Q5. Do you have billing accounts using multiple currencies?

Note: DigitalEx currently does not support mixed currency use cases due to the complexity of converting between currencies based on exchange rates.

Q6. Did you purchase GCP solution directly from Google or through a reseller?

We appreciate your cooperation in providing this information. It will significantly enhance the onboarding process, ensuring we can provide the best possible service.

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