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Delete SNS Subscriptions From AWS

Below are the steps to delete Subscriptions from AWS:

  1. Select a Region to delete the SNS service

  2. Go to SNS from the Services tab

  3. On the SNS Dashboard page, click on the Subscriptions link from the left menu

  4. Select the particular webhook you used to onboard the usage account to delete and click on the Delete Button on the top

  5. Confirm the deletion by Clicking Delete Button in the box

  6. You will see the status message of the SNS you deleted

Note : Similarly you can go to each region and delete the webhook

Below is the description of the steps to delete Webhook from AWS:

  1. Select a Region to delete the SNS service

  2. Go to SNS from the Services tab

3. On the SNS Dashboard page, click on the Subscriptions link from the left menu

4. Select the particular webhook you used to onboard the usage account to delete and click on the Delete Button on the top

5. Confirm the deletion by Clicking Delete Button in the box

6 . You will see the status message of the SNS you deleted

Note : Similarly you can go to each region and delete the webhook

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