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Cost Allocations Shared Cost

When you create a shared cost at the segment level, it is distributed among the segments you selected, and the same applies to units.

Steps to create shared cost:

  1. Click on cost allocation You wish to create the Shared cost

  2. Click on the shared cost table

On clicking the cost allocation and then clicking shared cost you will see the below screen


  1. Click on the +shared cost link


  2. Enter name & description

  3. Select scope like perspective/custom/manual entry

    1. Perspective: If you select a perspective, you need to choose the data source option, and based on your selection, the perspective will be displayed automatically.

    2. Custom: If you select custom, then you can choose the filter of your choice

    3. Manual Entry: If you select manual entry, then you can input the cost or percentage i.e. what amount of cost you want to allocate to a particular Shared cost, and for the percentage you need to enter the amount of percentage you wish to inherit from the business/root allocation

  4. Select the segment i.e. select segments with which you want to share the cost if you wish to share with all then check the “share to all” checkbox

  5. Select split like equally/proportionally/custom

    1. Equally: if you select equally, then the shared cost will be split equally among the segments you selected

    2. Proportionally: If you select proportionally, then the shared cost will be split proportionally among the segment you selected

    3. Custom: If you select custom, then the shared cost will be split custom according to the percentage you have specified to segments by month-wise ( Note: Custom option is not visible if you select “share to all “ check box)

  6. Enter the start date and end date i.e. from which month you want to start the shared cost and until which month you want to see the shared cost ( note : the start date and end date should fall under the root/segment/unit allocation )

  7. Select the owner of the shared cost

  8. Click on create


  9. Shared cost is created and displayed as shown below


Steps to preview shared cost

  1. Click on preview icon


  2. Preview will be displayed as shown below.


  3. You can change the chart type by clicking on the chart type icon


  4. You can download the chart data by clicking on the download icon


  5. If you want to see the charts in fullscreen then you can do it by clicking on the full-chart view icon


  6. To view in a separate dashboard, click on the view icon at the last


  7. After Clicking the view icon you will see the cost allocation dashboard as shown below


Steps to edit segment:

You can only edit name, description,split, owner, and budget amount for the existing segments

  1. Click on the edit icon


  2. On clicking edit icon you will see the below view


  3. Edit the fields you wish to and click on update

Steps to download segments:

  1. Click on the download icon


  2. On clicking the Download icon the details of the segments will be downloaded in a CSV file

Steps to delete shared cost:

  1. Click on the delete icon


  2. On clicking delete icon you will see the delete confirmation box


  3. On Clicking the delete icon the shared cost will be deleted

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