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AWS Account Onboarding Questionnaire

To ensure a smooth and comprehensive onboarding experience, it's crucial that the DigitalEx team is prepared and informed. This questionnaire aims to understand your needs and expectations better, thereby ensuring an efficient and enriched onboarding process.

Q1: What is your monthly spend on AWS?

Understanding your monthly spending will help us provide better cost management and optimization strategies.

Q2: Is AWS Cost and Usage Reports (AWS CUR) enabled for your account?

If AWS CUR is already enabled, DigitalEx can ingest historical cost data. If not, we can obtain up to 12 month's worth of historical cost data through Cost Explorer APIs.

The mentioned feature specifically focuses on cost-related information and certain attributes/features may not function as expected with AWS CUR (Cost and Usage Report) since it does not include tag information. Some features might be impacted like perspective and resources

Reference: AWS CUR Guide

Q3: Is the AWS Cost and Usage Report (AWS CUR) configured to use hourly or daily granularity?

While hourly granularity provides more detailed data, it generates significantly more data than daily granularity. We prefer using daily granularity, but our CloudFormation template can adapt to the existing granularity level for historical cost data.

Q4: How many linked accounts do you have?

To continuously discover resources and collect key metrics for insight and optimization, it is necessary to onboard each linked account individually.

Q5: In what currency is your invoice generated?

This information will help us better understand your billing structure.

Q6: Do you have billing accounts using multiple currencies?

DigitalEx supports multiple currencies which is configurable from DigitalEX UI

Q7: Is your AWS account configured to use AWS Control Tower?

Our CloudFormation is designed to automatically detect and onboard the relevant accounts if AWS Control Tower is in use.

Reference: AWS Control Tower

Q8: Did you purchase AWS resources directly from AWS or through a CSP/reseller?

If resources were purchased through a CSP/reseller, the billing account onboarding CloudFormation must be executed on the payer/master AWS account, and access to this account will be necessary.

We appreciate your cooperation in providing this information. It will significantly enhance the onboarding process, ensuring we can provide the best possible service.

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