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VMWare Virtual Appliance Onboarding Questionnaire

In order to guarantee a thorough and streamlined onboarding experience, it is important that our DigitalEx team has the necessary knowledge and preparation. This questionnaire is designed to gain an in-depth understanding of your specific needs and expectations, consequently facilitating an effortless and beneficial onboarding process. 

  1. What is the total number of physical data centers under your purview? 

  2. Could you please provide an estimated number of clusters, hosts, and VMs in your environment? 

  3. What version of VMware VCenter are you currently utilizing? 

  4. Which storage types (data stores) are currently in use within your setup? (e.g., VMFS, NFS, vSAN) 

  5. How many vCenter installations are you managing at present? 

  6. What is the currency employed for allocating data center costs? 

7. What method or tool do you use to calculate, maintain, or track datacenter costs? Is it Excel or some other tracking tool? 

8. Are your data centers configured to employ vMotion for migration purposes? 

Knowing this is crucial, as we allocate costs by the hour, ensuring that even if  VMs are relocated, our tracking remains accurate to the hour. 

Your collaboration in providing this information is greatly valued. This will considerably enhance the onboarding process and enable us to deliver the highest standard of service. Thank you for your cooperation. 


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