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VMware Troubleshooting

If you encounter any of the following error please adhere to the following steps to resolve it

  1. Invalid Credentials

  2. Error Connecting Server

  3. Unable to connect

Invalid Credentials

  1. Turn off the DigitalEx Appliance (VM).

  2. Navigate to Configure Tab.

3. Click on Vapp Options

4. Search of key vcenter-admin-password and select, click on SET VALUE option. (If you are not able to see the key you can sort by key option or scroll through all the keys)

5. Then update the new password in the pop window.

6. Turn On the DigitalEx Appliance (VM).

Error Connecting Server

  1. Turn off the DigitalEx Appliance (VM).

  2. Navigate to Configure Tab.

3. Click on Vapp Options

4. Search of key vcenter-host-ip and select, click on SET VALUE option. (If you are not able to see the key you can sort by key option or scroll through all the keys)

5. Update the new IP in the pop window

6. Turn On the DigitalEx Appliance (VM).

In Case of “Inactive” or “Unable to Connect “ You need to contact DigitalEx support Team

JavaScript errors detected

Please note, these errors can depend on your browser setup.

If this problem persists, please contact our support.