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Step-4: Assign Users to an App

Below is the description of the steps to assign users to an app

  1. Click on Applications > Applications

  2. Click on the Application that you have created.

  3. Click Assignments.

4. Click on Assign > Assign to People

5. Click on Assign to whom you want to give access to an Application.

6. Click Save and go back

7. Status gets changed to assigned.

8. You can assign multiple users to the application by repeating above steps.

9. Click on Done. Users are assigned successfully to an application as shown below

10. Alternatively you can also assign a group of users if you have already created a group.

11. Click Assign > Assign to Groups.

12. Click Assign for which group of user you want to give access to this application.

13. Click Done

13. Group is assigned to an Application as shown below.

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