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October 2021

Details about New Features:

FinOps Roles

It is the practice of bringing financial accountability to the variable spend model of the cloud, enabling distributed teams to make business trade-offs between speed cost, and quality. Finops roles are Owner, Administrator, Member, Financial Manager, Operational Manager

Owner: Owners are the ones who sign-ups for the DigitalEx as an Organization. This is the default role created for users after signup. New owners can also be created by following the steps to create a user. Please refer to the permissions chart for the Owner.

Member: Members have some limited access. They don’t have access to the “Admin” section. Please refer to the permissions chart for members.

Administrator: Administrators are similar to Owners but have a slight change in a few permissions compared to Owners. Please refer to the permissions chart for Administrator.

Executive: Executives are VP/ Head of Infrastructure, Head of Cloud Center of Excellence, CTO or CIO focus on driving accountability and building transparency, ensuring teams are being efficient and not exceeding budgets. These are the users who mostly have view permissions.

Operation Manager: This type of role includes Lead Software Engineer, Principal Systems Engineer, Cloud Architect, Service Delivery Manager, Engineering Manager, or Director of Platform Engineering. They mainly focus on building and supporting services for the organization. They consider the efficient design and use of resources. Activities such as rightsizing (the process of resizing cloud resources to better match the workload requirements), allocating container costs, finding unused storage and compute, and identifying whether spending anomalies are expected. Please refer to the permissions chart for Operation Manager.

Finance Manager Role: These people mainly belong to the finance section of the organization. This role may include Technology Procurement Manager, Global Technology Procurement, Financial Planning and Analyst Manager, Financial Business Advisor. They use the reporting provided by the teams for accounting and forecasting. They work closely with FinOps practitioners to understand historic billing data so that they can build out more accurate cost models.

Reserved Instance

EC2 Reserved Instances (RI) provides a significant discount compared to On-Demand pricing and provides a capacity reservation when used in a specific Availability Zone. RDS Reserved Instances give you the option to reserve a DB instance for a one or three-year term and in turn receive a significant discount compared to the On-Demand Instance pricing for the DB instance. RI includes Utilization & Coverage

Utilization: The utilization module shows the On-demand cost, Effective cost, Net Saving, Potential Savings. It also displays RI Utilization Chart with different chart types. Geo Chart is used to display reserved instances of Specific Locations. RI Utilization Items displays all the Utilization data. We can apply Page Level Filters & Share the Page. We can check the last updated date in the info. Users can create subscriptions. Users can reload the page & take Screenshots in this module

Coverage: Coverage %, On-Demand Cost, On-demand Hours, RI Hours. It also displays RI Coverage Chart with different chart types. Geo Chart is used to display coverage % of Specific Location. RI Coverage Items displays all the data. We can apply Page Level Filters & Share the Page. We can check the last updated date in the info. Users can create subscriptions. Users can reload the page & take Screenshots in this module.

Known Bugs:

  • Pagination & Download File

  • Search & Download File

  • Pagination & Share

  • Search & Share



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