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Kubernetes Onboarding Questionnaire

Q1: Why do we need Prometheus?

Prometheus is used to scrape usage metrics for Kubernetes resources, enabling efficient resource monitoring and cost analysis.

Q2: What metrics do we scrape using Prometheus?

Below are the key metrics we scrape:


Q3: How often is Kubernetes cost data refreshed?

Cost data is refreshed once every 24 hours.

Q4: What is Split/Ratio in Kubernetes on Cloud?

Split/Ratio is a method used to distribute the cost of shared Kubernetes resources (e.g., nodes, clusters) among multiple workloads, namespaces, or teams based on defined proportions. Currently, we are following industry-standard ratios and setting the CPU and memory ratio as 87:13 by default. If you would like to update the ratio, you can do so from the K8s Admin page. After applying a split/ratio, you need to wait 24 hours for the cost data to refresh.

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