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K8s Cluster Onboarding

Follow the below steps to onboard k8s cluster

Step-1: Log in to Kubernetes Shell.

  • Ensure that kubectl and helm are installed and can access your cluster.

Step-2: Enter the Prometheus URL in DigitalEx

  1. Capture the Prometheus URL associated with the K8s cluster:

a. Enter the following URL in DigitalEx UI


b. To find the Prometheus service, run the following command in Kubernetes shell

kubectl get svc -n prometheus
  1. In URL Replace prometheus-server-name,namespace & prometheus-internal-port with your data

Find & Enter the namespace where prometheus service is installed

  1. Following screenshot shows the example of URL


Step 3: Execute the script from the Kubernetes Shell

  1. Copy the script and execute the command below provided by Digital UI within the Kubernetes Shell terminal window.


  1. Paste in Kubernetes Shell Editor and click Enter

  2. Click on the Connect button in DigitalEx, after the running script is successfully completed.

  3. The onboarded K8 Cluster will be displayed with the list of All linked Nodes.


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