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July 2024

DigitalEx is pleased to announce the general availability of our July 2024 release. These release notes outline the new features and changes included. Please review the release notes to stay informed on changes to the platform and to take advantage of the new features and improvements. If you have any questions, please reach out to your dedicated DigitalEx resource!

Release Version



  • LLM Cost BETA

  • Advanced Filters

  • New Azure and GCP Recommendations

  • Anomaly Dismissal

  • Kubernetes Dashboard Additions

LLM Cost

DigitalEx is pleased to announce a powerful new AI cost dashboard that unifies cost visibility across your AWS, Azure, and Open LLM accounts, providing a comprehensive view of your Gen AI-related expenses. This update allows you to easily monitor the costs associated with your Large Language Models, track spending trends over time, and identify the key contributors to your AI expenses. The dashboard also includes a Geo Chart to visualize where your LLM resources are being utilized globally, and offers a detailed breakdown of cost items with insights into usage, model types, and operations. This enhancement gives you greater visibility and control over your LLM expenses.

Advanced Filters

We've introduced advanced filtering options across all pages, giving you greater control over your data analysis. These filters allow you to apply multiple criteria simultaneously, including Provider, Billing Account, Usage Account, Location, Service etc and select IN and NOT IN conditions to include or exclude specific values, offering even more precise and tailored filtering. Additionally, filters can be combined using logical operators (AND/OR) for a more refined analysis. This feature is now accessible on all relevant pages, enhancing your ability to gain deeper insights and manage cloud costs more effectively throughout the platform.

Azure & GCP Recommendations

We’ve enhanced our recommendations feature with new insights to help optimize your resources. For Azure, new recommendations include reviewing Long Running Virtual Machines, Disks Attached To Stopped VM, Disks High IOPS, Disk Size Too Large, and Disks Standard Snapshots. For GCP, we’ve added recommendations for Instances With More Than 32 vCPUs, Long Running Compute Instances, Disks Attached To Stopped Instances, Disk Size Too Large, and Logging Buckets with Long Retention Period.

Other Enhancements

We've also made several other enhancements across the platform to improve your experience with DigitalEx. Some of these improvements include:

Anomaly Dismissal

We have introduced a new option to dismiss anomalies directly from the Anomalies dashboard. This feature allows users to easily clear out anomalies that have been reviewed or are deemed irrelevant, streamlining the anomaly management process. By dismissing unnecessary anomalies, you can focus on the most critical issues and maintain a more organized and actionable dashboard.

Kubernetes (K8s) Dashboard Enhancements

We've added y-axis support, allowing you to view Idle cost and Usage cost on both the main-chart and geo-chart. Additionally, when grouping by 'cost_type,' data is now automatically categorized into Idle and Usage costs for clearer analysis. These updates provide you with more detailed insights and better visualization of your cost distribution. We've also enhanced our Kubernetes (K8s) widget to include Node Cost by Usage and Node Cost by Idle, offering a more detailed view of node costs to help you better understand and optimize resource utilization.

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