GKE - Google Kubernetes Engine onboarding
Step-1: Login to Google Cloud Console
Login to in google cloud console
Go to required project
Navigate to Clusters
Click on Actions

Click on Connect

Copy command line access
Click on OK
Activate Cloud Shell
Paste the copied command line access in terminal

Press Enter
Step-2: Enter the Prometheus URL in DigitalEx
Login to DigitalEx Portal
Click on Menu
In Admin section, Click on Accounts
Click on Kubernetes
Tap on GKE
Click on GKE Cluster connect button
Enter your Prometheus URL . Following screenshot shows the example of URL

Step 3: Execute the script from the Kubernetes Shell
In DigitalEx Portal Copy the script and execute the command below provided by Digital UI within the Kubernetes Shell terminal window.

Paste the copied script in cloud shell and enter

Click on the Connect button in DigitalEx, after the running script is successfully completed.
The onboarded GKE Cluster will be displayed, and status will be ACTIVE.
Direct Cluster Navigation
There is a clickable link on the cluster names. This allows to seamlessly navigate to detailed cost insights for each cluster directly from the Kubernetes Admin page.