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February 2025

We’re excited to announce the general availability of our February 2025 release! This update brings powerful new features to help you better manage and optimize cloud costs. For details, reach out to your DigitalEx representative or check our updated documentation:

Release Version



  • Smarter Budgeting with Cost Allocation Alerts

  • Effortless Management of Tags with Custom Rules

  • Enhanced Anomaly Detection with Percentage Thresholds

  • Granular Kubernetes Utilization Metrics (Daily & Hourly)

  • Weekly Dashboards & Spend Alerts for Proactive Budgeting

Smarter Budgeting with Cost Allocation Alerts

You can now create and manage budgets at any level with threshold-based alerts. Set spending limits, receive notifications when limits are exceeded, and designate alert recipients across teams and channels. Plus, create cost allocation budgets directly from the Budgets page and manage them seamlessly from both Cost Allocation and Budgets views.


Cost Allocation Budgets

Effortless Management of Tags with Custom Rules

Define and enforce both compliant and non-compliant tag rules using advanced filters. Set custom policies with AND/OR logic and save them from the Tag Explorer page. Once saved, these rules can be accessed from a dropdown menu in the Tag Explorer dashboard, enabling quick application of compliance policies and offering a detailed breakdown of resources that align with the applicable tags and those that are non-compliant.


Compliant & Non-Compliant Tags

Enhanced Anomaly Detection with Percentage Thresholds

We have enhanced the Anomaly configuration to provide greater control over cost anomalies by allowing thresholds to be set using percentage (%) changes, absolute values ($), or both. Combine conditions with AND/OR logic to detect unusual cost spikes with greater accuracy based on both fixed and relative cost changes.


Anomaly Settings with Dollar & Percentage Thresholds

Granular Kubernetes Utilization Metrics (Daily & Hourly)

Move beyond monthly data—hourly and daily Kubernetes (K8s) utilization metrics now provide deeper visibility into cluster performance. Stay ahead of resource inefficiencies with real-time insights instead of waiting for monthly updates.


Daily & Hourly Metrics

Weekly Dashboards & Spend Alerts for Proactive Budgeting

Track spending on a weekly basis with our new weekly cost dashboards—a flexible addition to existing daily and monthly views. Plus, set weekly spend alerts to get notified when costs exceed predefined thresholds, helping you stay within budget.


Weekly Alert Rules

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