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Cost Anomaly

Cost Anomaly Detection is designed to help you reduce unexpected costs and gain greater control over your expenses. When you set up an anomaly, DigitalEx will send you notifications via email or other channels to alert you to any anomalies detected. This allows you to take timely action to address any potential issues.

Steps to set Cost Anomaly:

  1. Login to DigitalEx as Owner/Editor

  2. Click on Menu

3. Click on Cost Anomaly

4. Click on anomaly settings

5. Enter the Threshold value

6. Select Users

7. Select Notify channels

8. Click on Save

  1. Unexpected or unusual cost fluctuations can trigger anomalies based on the thresholds you've established as shown below. When you select the number of rows, you will be able to view that same quantity of rows on the page."


  2. The Anomalies table empowers users to sort, search, and download anomalies. Additionally, the settings icon enables customization of the display, aligning the anomalies with the selected view. This feature grants user's flexibility and control in accessing and utilizing anomaly data, streamlining information retrieval to meet their specific requirements.

    cost anomalies feature, allowing you to view detailed anomaly information. The cost chart displays costs from the last 30 days and highlights the chart of any spikes. You can also view the cost and metrics of the resource, and filter anomalies by the month you wish to review. This improvement helps users understand patterns in anomalies and take necessary actions to reduce costs.


Create / Update Ticket

To initiate the ticket creation process for that specific resource, simply click the three dots in the resource's upper right corner and choose "Create Ticket." If you've previously generated a ticket, you will find the "Update Ticket" option available.

You can also generate multiple tickets at once by selecting multiple checkboxes.


Dismiss Cost Anomalies

To begin dismissing specific anomalies, click on the three dots located in the upper right corner of the anomalies.


From the menu that appears, select the "Dismiss" option. If you have dismissed these anomalies you can not see them later.


Header Icon


Click on the Share icon, copy the link of the current page, and filter if anywhere you can share it with other team members.


Clicking on the Camera icon, take a Screenshot of the current page, and download it in a pdf file.

Cost Anomaly Filters


The filter option allows you to narrow down the data displayed on the page to specific criteria. You can use the filter to view Cost Anomalies for a particular Billing Account, Usage Account, Service, Instance type, or Platform. This can help you focus on specific aspects of your RI Coverage to more effectively analyze and understand the data.

On selecting Dynamic Filter adjusts options based on previous selections. For example, choosing a Provider will update subsequent filters (e.g., Billing Account, Locations) to show only relevant data for that provider. This ensures efficient and context-sensitive filtering.



The "Advanced Cost Anomaly Filters" feature use to apply detailed filters to refine search results. You can add multiple filters by selecting criteria like "Provider," choosing an operator (e.g., "IN"), and selecting values from dropdown menus. The interface includes options to apply or cancel changes and a "Clear All" button to reset filters.



The "last updated" date and time stamp show when the data on the page was last refreshed. This can be useful for understanding the age of the data and determining if it is up to date.

Reload Option

The "reset" option allows you to clear all filters and selections from the page, returning it to the default view. This can be useful if you want to start over or view the data in its original form.


If you click on the "?" icon, you can access the help documentation for the page. This can provide you with additional information and guidance on using the page and its features.

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