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Configure Cluster/Node

Below are the steps to update the cluster

  • Click on "Edit Cluster" for the cluster you wish to update.

  • Adjust the default rates as needed.

  • Select the checkbox for "Reset all nodes and volumes."

  • Click on "Configure."

  • After updating the cluster, the cost for all nodes and volumes will be updated simultaneously.

  • Wait for the next ingestion cycle, scheduled every 6 hours, to see the updated cost on the Kubernetes cost dashboard.

Below are the steps to update the Node

  • Click on "Edit Node" for the node you wish to update.

  • Adjust the default rates as needed.

  • Click "Configure."

  • Wait for the next ingestion cycle, scheduled every 6 hours, to see the updated cost on the Kubernetes cost dashboard.

Below are the steps to update the Volume

  • Click on "Edit Volume" for the volume you wish to update.

  • Adjust the default rates as needed.

  • Click "Configure."

  • Wait for the next ingestion cycle, scheduled every 6 hours, to see the updated cost on the Kubernetes cost dashboard.

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