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August 2024

DigitalEx is pleased to announce the general availability of our August 2024 release. These release notes outline the new features and changes included. Please review the release notes to stay informed on changes to the platform and to take advantage of the new features and improvements. If you have any questions, please reach out to your dedicated DigitalEx representative!

Release Version



  • LLM Cost Vertex AI Support

  • Azure Kubernetes (AKS) Support

  • Kubernetes Utilization Dashboard

  • Perspective, Cost Allocation, Alert and Budget Support for AI, Datacenter and Kubernetes Costs

  • Other Enhancements

LLM Cost Vertex AI Support

We are pleased to announce the addition of Vertex AI support to our existing AI Cost dashboard feature. With this update, users can now gain unified visibility into the costs of Generative AI workloads across AWS, Azure, Google Cloud and Open LLM accounts. By consolidating expense tracking from multiple providers into a single, unified view, this feature offers a comprehensive understanding and deeper insights into Generative AI related costs. Users can now monitor spending trends, identify cost drivers, and optimize usage across providers, enabling more efficient management of AI infrastructure expenses.

Azure Kubernetes (AKS) Support

We are pleased to announce the addition of Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) support to our existing Kubernetes Cost dashboard feature. This latest addition allows users to seamlessly integrate their AKS clusters and instantly gain full visibility and detailed breakdowns of costs, providing a single, unified, and comprehensive view of Kubernetes workloads and infrastructure expenses on Azure. This feature is designed to streamline Kubernetes cost management, helping users optimize their AKS environments by identifying opportunities for cost savings and enhancing overall efficiency.

Kubernetes Utilization Dashboard

We are excited to introduce the new Kubernetes Utilization dashboard, now available in our platform. This new feature provides comprehensive visibility into Kubernetes nodes usage and efficiency, offering a detailed overview of how resources are utilized across your clusters. With this dashboard, users can gain insights into key performance metrics, including CPU, GPU, memory, and storage utilization, and monitor the overall health and efficiency of their Kubernetes infrastructure. The dashboard includes interactive charts, detailed cluster insights, and geographical data representation, making it easier to track and manage resource utilization for improved operational efficiency.

Perspective, Cost Allocation, Alert and Budget Support for AI, Datacenter and Kubernetes Costs

We are excited to announce the expanded support for Perspectives, Cost Allocation, Alert, and Budget features, now covering AI, Datacenter, and Kubernetes costs. With this update, users can create and manage customized cost perspectives, perform detailed cost allocations, and set up alerts and budgets specifically for AI workloads, Datacenter infrastructure, and Kubernetes clusters, extending beyond just default cloud costs. These expanded capabilities empower users to gain a holistic view of their operational expenses across multiple environments, enabling more effective resource allocation, cost tracking, and the identification of cost-saving opportunities.

Other Enhancements

We've also made several other enhancements across the platform to improve your experience with DigitalEx. Some of these improvements include:

AI Cost Dashboard: Average Token Cost

We’ve added a new widget option to our existing AI Cost dashboard that allows users to display the average AI model token costs. This enhancement provides a deeper and more granular insights into the cost drivers behind their AI workloads, enabling users to track, compare and analyze the token-level costs associated with their AI models, and helping in identifying potential cost optimization opportunities.

Advanced Filter: CONTAINS Operator

We’ve enhanced our advanced filter capabilities with the introduction of the CONTAINS operator. This addition allows users to perform more flexible and powerful searches by filtering data based on partial matches or patterns across various different fields, enabling more precise and efficient data analysis.

Cost Variance Dashboard: Custom Time Range

We’ve enhanced our Cost Variance dashboard with the introduction of a custom time frame input, in addition to the existing monthly time frame. Users can now select specific date ranges and compare costs across two custom time frames, providing greater flexibility, more granular and deeper insights into cost trends analysis.

Savings Recommendation: Amortized Cost Option

We’ve enhanced our Savings Recommendation page with the introduction of an Amortized Cost option. This update enables users to conduct more precise analysis and gain a deeper understanding of the potential savings, particularly when there are reservations and/or savings plans involved.

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