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AKS - Azure Kubernetes service onboarding

Follow the below steps to onboard the AKS cluster

Before onboarding your AKS account, you must have the admin rights on the cluster that you want to onboard and follow the steps below

Step-1: Steps to perform in DigitalEx

  1. Go to the Menu

  2. Click on Admin → Kubernetes


  3. Click on the AKS tab

  4. Click on 'Connect'

  5. Enter your Prometheus URL


  1. Copy the Step-3 Kubernetes Shell command

Step-2: Log in to the Azure .

  1. Navigate to Kubernetes service in the Azure .

  2. Click on the cluster you want to connect.

  3. Click on the connect button

  1. You will see the steps to onboard

  1. Now click on open shell


  2. Paste the Kubernetes shell command copied in Step-1 point-6

  3. After executing the Kubernetes Shell the Kubernetes appliance will be installed

  1. Click on the Connect button in DigitalEx, after the running script is successfully completed.

  2. The onboarded AKS Cluster will be displayed with the list of All linked Nodes.

Direct Cluster Navigation

There is a clickable link on the cluster names. This allows to seamlessly navigate to detailed cost insights for each cluster directly from the Kubernetes Admin page.


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